Why We Don't Use 'Boop The Snoot' or 'Booper Snoot'

Have you ever wondered why we would never say 'boop the snoot'?

For those unaware, a booper snoot has become synonymous to mean snout in 'Doggo' language — the internet lingo propelled by We Rate Dogs, Maya the Samoyed, Tucker Budzyn, Doggos being Doggos, Charlie the Golden and many more dog and pet social media accounts.

Well, the term actually wasn’t known to us until about a year after we launched Boop My Nose ®.

The first occurrence we have now been able to find for 'Boop the Snoot' is on Reddit. The official subreddit r/boopthesnoot was started a few months after us in October 2015 with the description "a subreddit for booping the snoot."

Boop The Snoot Reddit Description

On the official subreddit r/boop, it directs you to /boopthesnoot for solely animals, as the /boop page also contains people, objects and most surprisingly NSFW content.

Boop Reddit Description

Interestingly, the moderators of the /boop subreddit recently pinned a disclaimer to the top of the page stating "Boop is for boops, not for snoots!" - further attempting to clarify that they would like users to use the /boopthesnoot subreddit instead.

Boop Reddit Snoot

According to Urban Dictionary, the first activity of the phrase was in July 2016: 'boop the snoot'.

Boop the Snoot Urban Dictionary

We've also had numerous accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media channels use our exact media under the 'Boop the Snoot' name - all of which have fortunately now been removed.

Not to mention "snoots are considered a St. Louis delicacy" -- so although ‘Boop the Snoot’ may be catchy and fun, we’ve decided to stick to our original boop company name and avoid 'snoot' altogether!

Snoots are considered a food delicacy

Where was the first time you heard the term ‘Boop the Snoot’? Let us know below!


  • Errr
    First time I heard the phrase “Boop the snoot” was just in the furry fandom since it’s somethign extremely common there.

  • I’m not sure where I heard it exactly but I think I heard it from a youtuber called Markiplier, i cant remember though Bc like it’s been a while since I heard that phrase. Both phrases are adorable!

  • Totally prefer Boop my Nose! It just fits.

  • “Heh back in my day 50 years ago it was called a snout, first time seeing it called a snoot hehhe”

    Posted from my iPhone I don’t know how to change the signature on

    Retarded Boomer
  • This is the first time I have ever heard it called a “snoot” though SNOUT is something I’ve been calling it since childhood.


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